Question: Is there a tutorial for this program? I am trying to interpret the data structure in Matlab, but it would be easier for me if I knew what everything was exactly.
We are in the process of publishing a paper about the user interface of FluEgg, this paper has detail explanation about how how to use FluEgg. However is not available yet. We are also working on developing a video-tutorial.In case that you want to use the results directly and not use the pos-processing tools, you can access the results using Matlab.
The data structure of the results is explained in the figure below:
Question: I can't seem to run a test longer than the hatching time. When I get the error about hatching time, it always resets my sim time and resets my dt to zero. I am restricted to about 25-30 hours, depending on the species.
FluEgg simulates the eggs until hatching time. After hatching, the eggs develop the ability to swim vertically. We are not including this part into the model yet. Also, the development or growth function of larva had not been study yet, therefore we can not simulate larva movement using FluEgg.Question: How do I get it to upload my river input file?
You should create a river input file using as a template the "River_Input_File.csv" provided in the downloaded package. Then, just click "Load river input file" and then "load file and "select your river input file.Question: Post-processing option: “Summary of temporal and spatial evolution of the egg mass”. I assume the dark gray lines are the bounds of all the eggs in the simulation. What is the shaded/colored interior region?
The solid line is the mean location of the eggs (spatial centroid). The grey lines are the min and max egg location.Shaded area is the mean +- the std.
I keep getting an error message when I try to launch FluEgg. The black command box comes up and says "undefined function or variable matlabrc." The command box then closes, and FluEgg doesn't open. I have already downloaded the matlab compiler and extracted all FluEgg files. Any suggestions?